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Culture Led Performance

Like fingerprints, every culture is unique. It is your unique asset, and if cultivated - a true competitive advantage. This program shows you how to design, improve and harness your culture as your most powerful asset in driving business performance

This is valuable as.....

  • Culture exists everywhere.  The question is whether your culture is healthy - by design, or unhealthy - by default.

  • Culture is about belonging and connecting to your company’s core purpose and values - which are more important than ever before in employee recruitment, employee engagement, and employee retention. 

  • Culture is a true competitive advantage as it can’t be replicated (unlike products & services)

This is a structured training day - whereby individuals or whole teams learn about culture, and how they can shape and leverage culture as a critical tool in driving employee engagement, change and business success



Education with practical and proven tools on how to shape culture.  This covers practical steps for empowering business leaders to leverage culture as a way to engage, motivate and deliver business outcomes.

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Best for people leaders, or those in high influence roles.  This is designed specifically for commercial leaders of teams - who can impact people engagement and business results through culture.



  • 1 Day training

  • 12 weeks of weekly EDMs with tips & insights

  • Additional coaching sessions available on request

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  • Training Materials, A5 laminated reference guide 

  • 12 weeks of reminder EDM’s with additional tips and tricks - for embedding the learning 

MacMORGAN have proudly led Leading Through Change education for....

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